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Voting Results
. . Voting Results for Candidates . .
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Polska / Kraków / wadowicki / Wieprz, gm.
List's Number: 2
Number on the list: 1
No. of valid votes: 1977
No. of votes per list: 252
No. of votes per candidate: 66
% of votes per candidate: 3.34
of data1.21%1.54%1.87%2.20%2.53%2.86%3.19%3.52%3.85%4.19%applicable

. . Voting Results for Candidates . .
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No. Name No. of entitled
to vote
No. of ballot
papers issued
No. of votes No. of votes: per candidate / valid [%]
total valid per List per candidate
1OKW nr 1 w Zespole Szkolno-Przedszkolnym we Frydrychowicach8911381381332286.02
2OKW nr 2 w WDK Frydrychowice11641801801711421.17
3OKW nr 3 w WDK Gierałtowice12963423423274892.75
4OKW nr 4 w WDK Nidek10382252252223294.05
5OKW nr 5 w OSP Przybradz7291261261212275.79
6OKW nr 6w GOK Wieprz123332432432042103.13
7OKW nr 7 w Zespole Szkolno-Przedszkolnym nr 1 Wieprz140040540540035112.75
8OKW nr 8 w Zespole Szkolno-Przedszkolnym nr 2 Wieprz118728828828337103.53
  Wieprz, gm. 8938 2028 2028 1977 252 66 3.34

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