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Voting Results
. . Voting Results for Candidates . .
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Polska / Olsztyn / gołdapski / Dubeninki, gm.
LISEK Krzysztof
List's Number: 9
Number on the list: 1
No. of valid votes: 234
No. of votes per list: 81
No. of votes per candidate: 38
% of votes per candidate: 16.24
of data16.91%17.60%18.29%18.98%19.67%20.36%21.05%21.74%22.43%23.13%applicable

. . Voting Results for Candidates . .
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No. Name No. of entitled
to vote
No. of ballot
papers issued
No. of votes No. of votes: per candidate / valid [%]
total valid per List per candidate
1Gminne Centrum Kultury w Dubeninkach ul. Henryka Mereckiego 61213146146141452215.60
2Szkoła Podstawowa w Żytkiejmach ul. Plac Wolności 11055737368281116.18
3Ochotnicza Straż Pożarna w Pluszkiejmach3452525258520.00
  Dubeninki, gm. 2613 244 244 234 81 38 16.24

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