. .
. . Number of People who has voted until 12:00 . .
. .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Polska / Poznań / leszczyński
Statistics on 07.06.2009
Population: 51576
Area: 804.65 km2
Population density: 64 os/km2
Election Statistic
No. of polling wards: 36
No. of polling wards which
transmitted the results:
No. of people entitled to vote: 39576
No. of ballot papers issued: 1814
of data3.63%3.87%4.11%4.35%4.59%4.83%5.07%5.31%5.55%5.80% 

. . Number of people entitled to vote, number of ballot papers issued . .
. .
. . . . . . . . . . . .
No. Name No. of polling No. of people
entitled to vote
No. of
ballot papers
No. of ballot papers issued / No. of people entitled to vote [%]
wards wards which
transmitted the results
301301Krzemieniewo, gm.5566092253.40
301302Lipno, gm.4447212495.27
301303Osieczna, gm.5568812884.19
301304Rydzyna, gm.101063933415.33
301305Święciechowa, gm.4455872494.46
301306Wijewo, gm.2226831545.74
301307Włoszakowice, gm.6667023084.60
  leszczyński 36 36 39576 1814 4.58
. . Turnout by location of ward electoral commission . .
. .
. . . . . . . . . . . .
No. Name No. of polling No. of people
entitled to vote
No. of
ballot papers
No. of ballot papers issued / No. of people entitled to vote [%]
wards wards which
transmitted the results
1rural commune21212630211854.51
2urban - rural commune1515132746294.74

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