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Ward Electoral Commissions
. . Electoral Commissions . .
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Polska / Gdańsk / Statki - Gdańsk
Statki - Gdańsk
No. of electoral constituency: 1
Teryt: 229901
Type: Statki morskie
Population: 0
Area: 0.00 km2
Population density: 0 os/km2
Electoral Statistic
No. of people entitled to vote: 102
Number of wards: 2

- ward's commision report not available yet
- show ward's commision report
. . Types of ward . .
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Type Number
Obwód głosowania na polskim statku morskim20
total 2 0

. . Polling Wards . .
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Number Address of the polling station Type The Boundaries of Pooling Ward
1000PetrobalticObwód głosowania na polskim statku morskimNoPetrobaltic
1001Baltic BetaObwód głosowania na polskim statku morskimNoBaltic Beta

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